
Nolan is currently working on a short film adaptation of the queen mab speech.


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Measure for Measure

Nolan Played The Duke of Vienna for the no name collective from January 30th-February 9th, 2019

The Duke of Vienna vanishes abruptly leaving Lord Angelo as his successor. In his stead, Angelo enacts his own sense of justice causing mass chaos throughout the city. The only person who can stop him now is a nun-in-training, named Isabella. A story of power, those who abuse it, and those who suffer at their hands.


Much Ado About Nothing

Nolan will be playing Benedick in Shakin the Table Theater's online production of Much Ado About Nothing. February 12th and 13th.

Live streamed on YouTube 6:45 PST. for tickets email: Shakinthetableco@gmail.com